Supporting Future Growth Early Education Program delivers excellence for children in a nurturing environment where the uniqueness of each child is recognized and respected and where children are safe, growing and learning.
What We Believe
We know that the first five years of a child’s life are crucial years in determining that child’s future success in school and beyond. At Supporting Future Growth we strive to deliver excellence in early education services and care for children in a nurturing environment where the uniqueness of each child is recognized and respected and where children are growing and learning in a safe and healthy environment.
At Supporting Future Growth, we believe that a high-quality program reflect beliefs and performances about how children learn, and the crucial role that family involvement plays in their education. We believe that establishing and implementing programs for the early learners requires planning carefully, incorporating quality practices, ensuring that personnel are qualified and competent and evaluating the program continuously.
As such, the outcome must meet the needs of children, families, and communities as well as the intent of state, federal and local laws and regulations.

Who We Are
Supporting Future Growth nonprofit child development program was established in 1972 serving communities’ throughout Alameda County. Supporting Future Growth is an early subsidy education and child development program funded by California Department of Education, Early Education Service Division. Supporting Future Growth early education centers provide services for preschoolers and toddlers that are safe affordable and operate in a stimulating classroom environment.
The preschool program enrolls children between the ages of 3 to 5 unless the five years older is eligible for Transitional Kindergarten and or Kindergarten. The toddler program will accept children starting at 18 months through 36 months.
Parents must meet the Need and Eligibility requirements for admission into Supporting Future Growth Programs.
Designing activities in a comprehensive, customized approach for preschoolers and toddlers, teachers of Supporting Future Growth, utilize guidelines from the “Preschool Foundations”, the Preschool Curriculum”, and “Toddler Curriculum Framework. The Curriculum and the Foundations are research based activities by the California Department of Education, Early Education Service Division, assisting teachers in providing meaningful, exciting and relevant learning for each child. The Creative Curriculum another research-based curriculum used as appropriate.
These Curriculum Frameworks guide teachers to prepare children for school readiness. The teacher incorporates the frameworks developing strategies for learning in four learning Domains; Social –Emotional Development, Language and Literacy, Math and Science and Physical Development.
California Preschool Curriculum Framework
California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework

Classroom Environment
The classrooms are designed using research-based strategies from the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale for Preschooler and the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale for the Toddler program.
The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – ECERS designed to assist the teacher in developing appropriate learning center within the classroom for preschool aged children.
Components of a classroom are: Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science/Math, Art, Library/Listening Center, Writing Center, Music, Games/puzzles/lacing, Sensory Table, and Computers/Technology.
The Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised — is designed to assist the teacher in designing a meaningful and purposeful environment for children from birth to 2 ½ years of age. (
Desired Results
Desired Results is a system by which Teachers can document the progress made by children in achieving their level of development. California Department of Education requires teachers, in the Early Education Support Division to implement Desired Results in assessing children growth and development. Desired Results assist teachers to create a specific curriculum that aligned with the child’s interest and support further growth in various levels of development for children.
Board of Directors
Supporting Future Growth Board of Directors are professional from Education field, Health Professional field, Administrators/ Executives field and Business/ Entrepreneurial, Legal, and Social Service field. The focus of the Board of Director Members is to assure the continuous successful operation of the organization by a commitment to the organization mission, establish policies and to support the financial growth of the organization.

Statement from the Board of Directors
Supporting Future Growth Child Development Center uphold standards of quality services for children and families. Supporting Future Growth commitment is to providing a safe and healthy environment for children by guidelines and provisions of Title 22, Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division.
We Welcome parents and thank you for selecting Supporting Future Growth as an integral component striving for the highest level of social/emotional development, cognitive achievement and physical development for all children. Supporting Future Growth Board of Directors strongly support collaboration with parents as partners with this agency, developing effective strategies that best support the individual needs of every child.
Statement From Executive Director
Supporting Future Growth takes on this challenge in assuring a high-quality program for children and as such, we value parent partnership and community involvement building the stage of success for our children. This agency stands as an advocate to improve child care and family services. Working together, the agency, parents and the community, children of Supporting Future Growth will receive opportunities for success that will have an enormous impact as learners in their everyday lives. We value the uniqueness of each child, and we shall work effectively building upon those unique strengths.
I thank you for entrusting your child’s learning opportunities with the administration and teaching staff of Supporting Future Growth. We will work eagerly to provide an environment enriched with excitement for learning. An environment which represent your child. A place to grow, his/her art to create, opportunities to develop social skills; meeting new friends and the ability to relate and exchange information with other children and adults.